On the day the ‘not guilty’ verdict was read, a good friend and fellow My Tribe member Sasha Tagg sent this to Trish.
I don’t have words… when I don’t have words I turn to music. Then the words flow. I want to do something for you. I stand with you, I believe you, every single word. You have stood up, and by doing this, you have advocated for so many other people, the voices they could not use, to end sexual violence. I know it’s incredibly hard right now, I am looking up at you like a warrior woman and nothing will stop this feeling. I thank you for being courageous enough to speak out about this unforgivable behavior. Your strength is undeniable. I am her for you.
Lyrics ‘ We’ve got you sister’
Shatter my body
Play with my life
Walking to nowhere
Twist the knife
I only want to stand next to you,
Lift your head when it’s got a frown
Be your feet when you cannot walk
Treading water so you won’t drown
We’ve got you sister
The pieces it’ll take time,
To heal and feel well,
What you’ve done for the voiceless,
So endless to tell
For our daughters and sons,
teach right and watch them grow
Timing means nothing just speak up
No means no
I only want to stand next to you
Lift your head when it’s got a frown
Be your feet when you cannot walk
Treading water so you won’t drown
no means no
I only want to stand next to you
Lift your head when it’s got a frown
Be your feet when you cannot walk
Treading water so you won’t drown
We’ve got you sister
No matter how you feel it’s just real to just give up,
such a space and time you just want to throw up,
fuck the justice system I just think I just threw up,
to let a man walk free and rape a body up…..
when it’s owner said no, what a pitiful show,
let the feelings flow, but please don’t let them take control.
Remember your honor, strength and resilience
Truth, voice and light
Life that you spoke your truth…..
and we believe and stand by you…..
We believe and thank you too….