Women have been told for years to report violent crimes, and hold offenders accountable. Trish Wyatt is the survivor of a vicious sex crime, so how can her advice to other survivors be, don’t report it?
Despite the emergence of No means No campaigns, #MeToo, Enough is Enough and the March 4 Justice movement. The system is broken.
Find out firsthand what it is like for a survivor of not only an eight hour brutal, violent sexual assault and rape, but a survivor of the cruel processes of our justice system. Trish endured a three year ordeal in an attempt to get justice, to hold a violent sex offender accountable and to protect other women in the community.
Amongst the darkness and injustice of this story, there is a hidden gem. A sisterhood of women who formed to create a safety net for this survivor, who supported and encouraged her through the process, who reassured her that she was doing the right thing even when she wanted to give up.
"Heartbreaking story, a true warrior"
"Truley devastating that any woman has to go through this, thank you for speaking up"
"I couldn't put it down, a captivating read"
"Shocked and appalled this is our justice system. This is exactly why women don't report, such a brave woman. Thank you."